Graphic Specifications

Ryan Schortmann

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Graphic Specification - Check the following for your art files

  • CMYK Mode? Your graphic must be in CMYK mode. Colors may differ in RGB mode.
  • Rich Black CMYK Value - C 0%, M 0%, Y 0%, K 100% (see below for more details)
  • Good Resolution? Please use 300dpi images and a document set up of 125DPI or upload as Vector.
  • Right Dimensions? Your file needs to be saved at the correct document size as the template.
  • Fonts - Outlined, Images - Embedded
  • Art files need to be print ready with no template lines

Preferred File Type 

  • PDF | Acceptable Files - TIFF, JPG, AI, EPS, PSD (flattened)

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